Sunday, March 14, 2010

My latest collection...I candy...really!

I told you it was eye candy! It started with blog surfing! Sorry to say I don't recall the blog. It seems that has been keeping be company during my down time. So, to mass this collection of candy jars, I rummaged through the house, visited a local consignment store, and made two visits to the new antique mall. There were also some pretty candy shopping in there somewhere!
The collection will move into the new studio, once completed. I have the most wonderful shelf held up in the garage, the perfect home it will make for this collection.
These marshmallow hearts were the first pretty candy purchased, from Dollar General of all places. If any candy is going to disappear it will be these...the culprit...dear sweet hubby... he is a marshmallow crazy man.
The candy jar with the strawberry Whoppers is a candlestick that I combined with a small candy jar. I used Diamond Glaze... the same product used to fill bezels. I love the combination and the footing it adds.
The empty jar awaits the perfect pretty candy. Not sure what it will be...any ideas to share? Some of these trips were rewards for the pain of physical therapy...or so I told my hubby. It is hard to sneak out and shop when you're under no driving restrictions!!!! I keep measuring my progress by how close I can get to the steering wheel!!!

While out visiting the newest antique mall The Depot in Concord NC. I added my name to the waiting list. I think once you have been bitten by that bug it is hard to shake it... I will do a future post on the mall. It is in a old fabric mill run by Cannon...they made gingham in this plant...great brick building, wonderful wood floors and best of all $1.00 a square foot, how crazy is that?



  1. All that candy HAS to make you feel better!!!

  2. OMG!!!!
    Eye candy, it is!!!
    Love, love, love!

  3. Yu-um! I have supplies in my sewing room in jars like that. I really like your idea of marrying the candle stick and jar.

  4. Wow , that is quite the candy supply !! My grand kids would love for me to have that !! Love all of your jars , I have some of the same only I have supplies in them ! Love the tall empty one ! Hope you are well soon !
    The Little Things
