The Iphone was brimming with notes to remind me of things I am hunting. We had plans to attend an antique faire. My dear husband asked if I wanted to stop at garage sales along the way. I actually heard my breath catch. Yes! came bounding out, I don't even think it was proceeded with a though, just "yes!" The alarm was set for 6:30. Coffee in hand off we went. A few stops, a tripod for 3 bucks, nice. I needed a new one. A few more stops nothing. We are nearing our freeway on ramp and then......SALE it says. I point, my husband turns, and we lurk for the sale. There it is...long driveway nothing to see. A pile of crap and I do mean crap with a free sign propped on the old sofa. EWWW! We walk back. There are stacks of belongings covered with blue plastic tarps. No one in site, no garage sale set up???? My eye is caught by this fabulous basket, I have to have it. I will just leave money and take it, a 20 I think. We shout HELLO, a faint voice and a loud bark, oh I am staying on this side of the fence until the voice is louder and the bark is softer. A gentleman in his 70's approaches with a cocker romping at his side. He invites us in saying everything is for sale, he is making room for his daughter to move back in. Don't miss the art studio and the log cabin he says in a fading voice. Humm did he say log cabin??? In minutes I am bent over looking into boxes, my husband has wandered off. We had settled on 19.00 for the basket which was now at my side to hold treasures to behold. I was still on the front porch when my husband returns an says " wait till you see the log cabin." It was purchased from the local college at a fund raising auction. Let me just say,this guy was a collector of every thing. I fill my basket to full and then ask for a price. He says that he will write it on a piece of paper and give it to my husband, then I must guess the price. He pulls out an orange sharpie, yes a orange sharpie out of his pocket and takes what seems like forever to write the amount down. He hands the brown scrap of paper to my husband and tells me not to look. "now guess" he says." Knowing the basket is 19.00 I guess 60.00. He had written 35.00. He had forgot the basket and had not seen the easel. We left with him inviting my husband back for coffee. I want to go back and shop for more! and I will.

Can we come, can we come????? PLEASE!!! We'll give you first choice, promise!!! LOVE IT ALL!!! That's a great story...what a fun way to shop!!!
ReplyDeleteM & C
what a great story about your garage sale fun that your hubby goes treasure hunting with you...mine does too...but i usually do all of the really found some great goodies...thanks for sharing!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun junking day...don't you just love those? Great the bust & the bling & the old yardsticks!